The Best Cuisine of Nepal In SoHo Hong Kong –Gluten-Free Food Review

Join us on our foodie adventure as we explore delicious gluten-free dishes from around the world! We're starting with a review of the best gluten-free cuisine of Nepal in SoHo, Hong Kong. Come take a bite!

If you’re a fan of the cuisine of Nepal, then you won’t want to miss out on this hidden gem in Hong Kong!

There is something about Indian food and cuisine that I have always loved; however, now I think I’ve found the perfect blend of spices, curries and aromas. And it’s in Hong Kong!

A friend’s recommendation leads to a delicious discovery

‘Nepal’ was recommended by a good friend and fellow foodie living in Hong Kong. Knowing my tastes and sense of discovery, he knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.

Exploring Hong Kong’s SoHo district

I walked down to the harbor’s edge from my hotel in Tsim Sha Tsu and caught a junk across the waterways to Hong Kong Island. This was followed by riding a series of rickety outdoor escalators up to the SoHo district.

cuisine of nepal

You can walk next to the escalators up the thousands of stairs. However, I was enjoying the relaxing view from my magic carpet ride. I passed alleyways and lanes by the dozen, each getting funkier and trendier the higher I went. I kept a keen eye out for the street I needed to jump off at and soon reached my destination.

I was forewarned to scope out the dark timber carvings that graced the entranceway to the restaurant… I couldn’t help but giggle and smirk with a cheeky grin while admiring the unique risqué nature of the designs—something you need to see for yourself.

A risqué entrance and warm interior welcome diners

The restaurant was quiet as I arrived a little early for the lunchtime service, but this gave me undivided attention from the waitress with whom I joked and talked.

Warm colors adorned the walls, along with native artifacts and timber accents. The tables were presented beautifully with crockery and cutlery that resembled the restaurant’s origins.

Sampling the diverse menu of Nepalese cuisine

The menu was reflective of the culture and history Nepal has to offer. I was spoilt for choice between soups, starters, salads and specialties. But what more caught my eye was the vast array of delicacies from the menus titled “from the bag of the hunter”, – “treasures from the clay oven”“from the fisherman’s net.” Each dish looked like it would be a story in its own right.

Unique dishes with intriguing names await at Nepal restaurant.

I asked the waitress for some recommendations as I clearly could not decide on my own and needed to be mindful of gluten.

Soon the waitress returned to my table with:

‘Bhenta Tareko’ (fried eggplant marinated in herbs) and a sizzling plate of ‘Kukhura-Ko Sekuwa’ (barbecued boneless chicken marinated in fresh light Nepalese herbs and spices); ‘Royal Khasi‘ (Boneless lamb slices cooked in an almond-based gravy) and saffron rice.

The colors of the food looked rich and vibrant, the aromas of char and spice invaded my nose, and all that was just the lead-up to the reward on my tastebuds. All the ingredients were crisp and fresh, the flavors in balance and not overpowering with the right amount of heat to get your sweat on…I was left satisfied and completely content. I must certainly say that they are well deserving of the many awards they have won, including Trip Advisors Certificate of Excellence.

Check it out for yourself here and to be sure to ask the right questions when dining out – here are my top 3

Don’t let Celiac Disease hold you back from exploring the world! Our Travel Guide blogs offer expert recommendations and reviews of the best gluten-free restaurants and places to visit, making it easy to plan your next gluten-free adventure.

Remember to always stay curious and continue learning. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Until next time…Jodes

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. This article is for news and update purposes only and all copyright remains to the author. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. The GF Hub does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service.

Grab a copy of the Amazon #1 Best Seller ‘ What the…? I can’t eat THAT anymore?

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